Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Mind

Have you every wondered,
if the mind is caged in?
Like thoughs at a dam.
The flood-gates of words
don't seem to spill over
and what seeps through,
seem unable to comprehend.

It reached a point where there are
no words to say,
but ever so much to relay.

Can you vision,
a mind on leash,
like muderers in prison,
such danger,
would kill if unleashed.

Weird Teacher

I just had my first tutorial of a certain class
and one thing that immediately borthered me was
that my teacher is weird, strange, and somewhat disturbed.

The signs:
-Refers to him self ONLY in third person.
Frequency level 2/min.

-Welcomes the already been living in Singapore
for a long time philippina, again and again.

-Tells us again and again that he needs
to live a long life for his family,
and says he can't tell us the reason.

-Kept promising us that the reason that he
wanted our Handpone numbers is only for work reasons.

-Thought we did not know that everybody is human.

-Is pretty much emotionless.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Creative Writing

In light of my Creative writing class starting,
I've decided to learn more Chim, pardon me, profound words
that I can litter my conversations with.
All this so that I would no longer be inflicted
to carry a permanently dumb-struck face.

Word number:
1 - Subastral
Beneath the stars or heavens

Used in the sentence:
My level of jokes seem Subastral as compared to the rest of the class.

2 - Heterogeneous
Opposite of Homogeneous, Aka. Different

Used in the sentence:
When I spoke Singlish, I immediately became Heterogeneous in class.

3 - Resplendent
Aka. Super

Used in the sentence:
Super is not Resplendent enough of a word,
Resplendent was the only one Resplendent enough.

4 - Astute
clever; cunning; ingenious

Used in the sentence:
I can boast about being clever; cunning; ingenious,
the class can boast about being Astute.

5 - Circumnavigate
to sail or fly around

Used in the sentence:
I saw a bird chasing an insect,
the class saw it circumnavigate Resplendently,
showing unmatched Astute


Smile just a little more,
laugh by the gallons.
In your life there's a little door,
that opens when joy happens.

Take joy in all your friends,
on them you can depend.
When you cry, they'll be your strength,
they'll defend you when you meet those nasty men.

to you my friend,
be blessed.

There be angels among you

Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some have unwittingly
entertained angels.

To think that you might
be meeting angels in human form!
so to all the people who are nasty to strangers,
unwilling to give up seats to the elderly,
or help someone.
Be careful,
that person might just be an angel!

and in contrast,

to think that you might actually
be entertaining angels.

-be good!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

With a guitar in hand

Why If it were possible,
if only it were feasible,
to sing my troubles away,
without sounding unreasonable.

would I be just a refugee,
singing refugee camp songs?
Do I lock myself,
in an ignorance long gone?

Can I fight a war,
with just a guitar in hand?
Why can't I stand tall,
I'm not what the world demands.

The Ceremony

BA BA BA (trumpet)

(drum rolls)

Dashes of confetti fill the air.
It is the Grand Opening of the BLOG.

BA BA BA (yes its the trumpet again)

Many thanks to LOUISA CHEN for the
this Blog.

Jamin is here to admit that she did eveything on this blog,
every last inch of it,
this is indeed a great show of skill,
of such patience,
and of most importantly,
free time.

Thanks So much louisa for designing the blog for me
I am Digitally Grateful.

With much admiration,

signing off-